Avast! Take to the high seas in a fully interactive piratical story of broadsides and buccaneers. From author Dave Morris and the studio behind Steve Jackson's Sorcery! and 80 Days.
"Down Among the Dead Men" is a pirate adventure in which you are the hero. Play as a male or disguised female - as a magician, a thief, a pirate, a governor's daughter - and explore the high seas as you try to build up a crew and a ship hardy enough to take down to black-hearted pirate Skarvench and his ghoulish crew.
* "Inkle's gamebook engine is fantastic and they're finding some really high-quality writers to publish" - iMore.com
* "An enjoyable little thing to curl up with" - Touch Arcade (4/5)
* "Wonderfully well written... a rollicking good story of swashbuckling pirates, cannibalistic natives, and rum-drenched souses" - Pocket Gamer (Bronze award)
* "Down Among the Dead is a pirate themed gamebook that's quite delightful" - 148 Apps
Adapted from the original gamebook using the same inklewriter technology as Steve Jackson's Sorcery! and 80 Days, "Down Among the Dead Men" provides a fully adaptive text, that rewrites itself on the fly based on your decisions. Survive or fail, be bold or cowardly, lead or connive - the choices are up to you and every one is remembered.